Windows Cannot Find Steam Make Sure the Name Is Typed Correctly Then Try Again

Fix Windows Cannot Find Steam

For many users beyond the world, Steam seems to exist the ideal platform that stores and manages their video games while providing them with a market place full of new ones. Nevertheless, Steam isn't always the perfect application as advertised. A common error encountered by users is when their PC is unable to find the Steam app despite the software being installed. If this sounds like your problem, read ahead to discover out how you can prepare Windows cannot notice Steam.exe fault on your PC.

Fix Windows Cannot Find Steam

How to Fix Windows Cannot Find Steam.exe fault

Why can't my Windows observe Steam.exe?

Your PC's inability to discover Steam could exist caused by various reasons. One of the top reasons for this event is the absence of proper source files. Shortcuts only function properly if all the files in their origin binder are in order. Incomplete installations and malware can eat up some of Steam's original file data, resulting in this baroque error. Additionally, fifty-fifty some antivirus programs, specially Avast, seem to have a lot of trouble accepting Steam as a safe application and therefore keep preventing the app from running. Regardless of the nature of the issue, the Windows cannot discover Steam.exe mistake can be fixed by following the methods mentioned below.

Method i: Open Steam from its Original Location

Despite a ton of new security features on Windows, defective shortcuts are still a big menace. These shortcuts could requite you the illusion that the app exists, but in reality, hold no ties to the original software. To brand sure that Steam opens properly, try opening the app from its source file.

1. Nigh of the time, the installation folder of Steam is located in the C bulldoze.

2. Here, open up the binder that reads Program Files (x86).

Here open program files x86 | Fix Windows Cannot Find Steam.exe

3. This volition open the source files of all the applications installed on your PC. Gyre down to find and open up the Steam binder.

Open Steam folder

four. Within this folder, find the 'Steam' application and run it. If it still does non open up, endeavor renaming the app to something else and run it once more. This seems like an unlikely tip, but in one case renamed, the app is disregarded by many threatening applications on your PC and the 'Windows cannot find Steam.exe' error should exist fixed.

In the folder, open the Steam source application

Also Read: 12 Ways to Set up Steam Won't Open Issue

Method 2: Scan for Potential Malware

Malware and viruses could foreclose your Windows from recognizing the Steam app and opening information technology. If you take a dedicated antivirus, run it to see if you lot tin can observe whatever threats. Additionally, you lot tin use the Windows security characteristic to solve the issue.

i. In the Settings application of your PC, open the Update & Security.

In settings, click on update and security | Fix Windows Cannot Find Steam.exe

2. On the panel on the left side, click on Windows Security.

On the panel on the left side, click on Windows security

iii. Nether the section titled, Protection Areas, click on Virus and threat protection.

Under protection areas, click on Virus and threat protection

4. Scroll downwards to the Current threat department and under the Quick scan button, click on Scan options.

Under current threats, click on scan options | Fix Windows Cannot Find Steam.exe

v. Nether browse options, select the Total Scan option and click on Browse Now.

Select the full scan option and run it

6. Your entire system volition be scanned and whatsoever potential threats will be eliminated. Reboot and showtime Steam again to see if Windows is able to find Steam.exe.

Note: If you lot aren't satisfied with the operation of Windows security, you can employ Malwarebytes, an app aimed specifically at removing threatening malware from your PC.

Method three: Create an Exception in Avast Antivirus

Avast is one of the few antivirus applications that has caused severe troubles for Steam. The reason for the feud is unknown, but for Avast, Steam appears to exist a corruptible virus that will potentially wreck the system. Here'due south how you tin can create an exception for Steam and ensure that Avast does not prevent Windows from finding the executable file.

1. Open up the application and on the peak left corner, click on Carte.

In avast, click on menu in top right corner | Fix Windows Cannot Find Steam.exe

2. From the options that appear, click on 'Settings.'

Here, click on Settings

three. Under the General category in Settings, select Exceptions and click on Add exception.

In the general category, select exceptions and click on add exceptions

4. A small window will appear, asking you lot to specify the location of the folder you want to add as an exception. Here, click on Browse and notice the Steam folder in the C bulldoze nether Programme Files (x86).

In the add exception window, browse for the steam folder and add it | Fix Windows Cannot Find Steam.exe

5. Steam should be added as an exception and the Windows cannot observe Steam.exe error should be stock-still.

Method 4: Delete Steam Value from Windows Registry

Deleting a registry value is a serious process, but if done correctly, it has proven to be the most successful method of all. Due to the complications caused by malware and antivirus applications; Steam could stop upward appearing on a list it is non supposed to. Therefore, deleting the registry value, in this case, is a prophylactic and valid option.

i. On the Windows search bar, look for the Registry Editor awarding and open information technology.

On windows search menu, look for registry editor

two. Open the application and in the pocket-sized address bar, below the options, paste the following address :

          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options        

3. A agglomeration of files volition be displayed under the Prototype File Execution Options. Look for the folder titled Steam.exe and correct-click on information technology.

Type in the following address to open Image File Execution options | Fix Windows Cannot Find Steam.exe

4. From the options that appear, click on 'Delete' to remove the folder from the list.

v. One time the folder is deleted, reboot the PC and run the Steam application over again. Chances are the Windows cannot notice Steam.exe error will be fixed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How exercise I become Steam.exe?

Some other style to get the Steam.exe app is to look for it in its original location. Open the C Bulldoze on your PC and go to Plan Files (x86) > Steam. Hither, you will find the Steam.exe application. Right-click on information technology to copy and paste the shortcut on the desktop based on your convenience.

Q2. How do I fix missing EXE in Steam?

The 'Windows cannot find Steam.exe' error is acquired usually acquired by malware and viruses affecting your PC. Apply your antivirus software to remove whatsoever potential threats. If you lot utilize Avast, try creating an exception for Steam, and then that information technology tin function smoothly.


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Steam has had its fair share of errors and the 'Cannot find Steam.exe' simply adds to the list. Notwithstanding, with the steps mentioned above, yous should be able to get rid of the issue with ease and resume gaming on the world'south leading video game director.

We promise that this guide was helpful and yous were able to prepare Windows cannot detect Steam.exe error on your PC. If you find yourself struggling during the procedure, attain out to us through the comments and nosotros will help you out.


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